Soustainable Tourism



Soustainable Tourism

Under the trademark TRANSORIENTE S.A. legally constituted company under the current parameters in notarial registry TRANSPORTES ORIENTE ANTIOQUEÑO S.A. with NIT 890.910.871-2, in compliance with Colombian regulations for Sustainable Tourism, this service contract will be governed by the following clauses:

1. The client accepts and adopts the recommendations and guidelines of the code of conduct of Transoriente S.A. in compliance with Law 1336 of 2009

2. The client is committed to respect the natural resources of the territories he or she visits and, consequently, he or she will not be able to carry out any illegal activity of fauna and flora. The company will report to the competent activities all evidence related to this type of activities.

3. The client must abstain from carrying out any activity related to the trafficking and / or sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. Transoriente S.A. will report to the competent authorities any indication related to this illegal practice, according to the provisions of Laws 679 of 2001 and 1336 of 2009. For more information on this subject, it is recommended to consult our code of conduct, available in all company headquarters.

4. The Client is committed to make good use of the resources and tourist attractions of the territory and to respect the cultural manifestations thereof.

5. Transoriente S.A. It invites its clients to consume the local products of the territories as a way to contribute to the local development of the communities.